Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pretty Cool Pumpkin Lessons!

October is one of my favorite times to teach kindergarten!  Pumpkins, bats, leaves, oh my!  Once you look past the crazy Halloween party, kids hopped up on candy, and the repeated question, "What is YOUR costume?" it's actually a lot of fun!

Here's a little peek at some of the things we've been doing throughout our tree unit in September and then our pumpkin unit in October.  Hopefully you can take away something to try out in your classroom this fall or... let's face it... next fall.  Happy haunting!

These are our torn paper trees.  We learned about how trees in our area change with each season.  Students worked in groups of 3 and tore pieces of construction paper to create a tree for the season of their choice.  Here is a spring tree.  Below is a photo of some trees through the seasons spring, summer, fall, and winter.

I asked parents to bring in pumpkins for our class to use for our science unit.  We spend time measuring the pumpkins during math as we learn how to use a measuring tape.  They recorded their measurement and taped it to their pumpkin.

We practiced estimation by guessing how many pumpkins tall we were.  The kids wrote down their estimation on a recording sheet and recorded their actual answer once they measured themselves.  So much fun!

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